College Deanship - College of Administrative Sciences
College Deanship
The Deanship of the College is the heart of the College of Business Administration and is affiliated with the College Council and the Advisory Council.First: College Council
The College Council has the authority to consider scientific, administrative, and financial matters related to the college or institute. It may delegate some of its powers to its president, and the Council may form committees from its members or others. To study what it costs her. It is an administrative authority in the college that is responsible for issuing decisions related to the issues designated for it to consider and decide, and it issues its recommendations or decisions either by majority or consensus, with the aim of improving the educational and administrative process.
Council tasks:
1- Propose the appointment of faculty members, teaching assistants, and lecturers, and their secondment, secondment, and promotions.
2- Proposing or amending study plans with coordination between departments.
3- Proposing curricula, prescribed books, and references in college departments.
4- Encouraging the preparation of scientific research, coordinating it among the college’s departments, and working to publish it.
5- Suggesting exam dates and setting regulations for conducting them.
6- Proposing the college’s internal regulations and the necessary training plans for the college in accordance with the bylaws and regulations.
7- Propose an extracurricular activity plan for the college.
8- Deciding on student matters that fall within his jurisdiction and recommending anything else to the University Council.
9- Consider what the University Council, its president, or its vice president refers to it for study and to express an opinion.
10- Considering the excuses of students who are disadvantaged or absent from final exams.
Second: Advisory Council
The College Advisory Council is an advisory body that aims to contribute to the continuous improvement of the College’s academic programs, direct its future policies, evaluate its strategic plans, and communicate with the public and private sectors.
Tasks of the Advisory Council:
1- Submitting proposals regarding everything that serves the future of the college.
2- Proposing ways to deepen the partnership between the college and the local or global community. 3- Expressing an opinion and contributing to the development of programs and curricula in accordance with the requirements of the labor market.
4- Providing advice and contribution during all stages of preparing and implementing the college’s strategic plan. 5- Submit proposals that would develop the college’s resources.
6- Contributing to establishing a coordination mechanism to establish joint projects between the college and community sectors related to the college’s program specializations to find solutions to community problems in an integrated manner. .
7- Proposing methods to provide funding sources for development projects in the college.
8 Providing advice in developing programs, courses, and improvement plans.
9-Follow up on field training reports and express an opinion about them.
10- Providing advice on the learning resources used, teaching and learning strategies, and their suitability to the targeted learning outcomes, especially professional ones.
11- Providing advice on new program proposals, or when making fundamental modifications to the program.
12- Providing the necessary advice and proposals towards activating the annual employment forum.
13- Contributing to career guidance and counseling processes in coordination with the university’s graduate unit.