Rectorship History - College of Administrative Sciences

 Establishment of the College's Development and Quality Unit

Najran University has established its Vice Rectorship for Quality and Development, based on the approval of the Higher Education Council on 14/5/1430 H (09/05/2009). This initiative received endorsement from the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, the Prime Minister, and the President of the Higher Education Council, King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (may Allah have mercy on him), on 25/9/1430 H (15/09/2009). The Vice Rectorship for Quality and Development is committed to creating systems that meet internal quality standards in the university's colleges and address external quality improvement requirements. The primary goal is to provide a high level of quality, managing the first and second strategic plans while fulfilling the requirements for institutional and academic program accreditations.
The College's Development and Quality Unit commenced its work through a quality-focused team in Jumada al-Thani 1431 (May 2010) H. Noteworthy achievements include the preparation and production of  the first self-assessment report . The Unit evolved to incorporate different committees with special tasks in Muharram 1432 H. This evolution led to establishing an internal quality system, comprising a head, a coordinator, and an executive team with several committees. These committees work collaboratively to meet the overall objectives set by the Vice Rectorship for Quality and Development and address the quality standards required for accreditation. The Development and Quality Unit remains dedicated to creating systems that ensure adherence to the college's internal and external quality standards