Vision, Mission , and Objectives - College of Administrative Sciences

Department vision, mission and Objectives

Vision of the department:
Leadership and excellence in teaching law in accordance with Islamic law.
Department message:
Preparing graduates who are academically and professionally qualified in the field of law, in order to contribute to meeting the needs of society, all in accordance with Islamic law.

Department objectives:
(1) Preparing students scientifically and professionally in the field of law in accordance with Islamic law.
(2) Linking theoretical study with practical application in the field of law.
(3) Contribute to meeting the needs of society.
(4) Consolidating Islamic values and strengthening the national identity of the program graduates.

The department's strategic goals:
1- Finalizing the program accreditation requirements for the Law Program.
2- Updating the study plan according to the three semesters and identifying exit points.
3 - Increasing the number of admissions to the law program with defining the conditions for transfer and admission.
4 - Participation in an interface program with the Accounting Department.
5 - Developing an interface law program in partnership with the College of Computer Science.
6 - Sending a number of faculty members in the field of public and private law to fill the existing deficit and meet the future goals of the department.
7 - Activating the role of the department in scientific research and community service through community partnerships.
